티스토리 뷰

엔구 구동사 8일차 복습

doze off

to fall into a light sleep, especially during the day

I was so bored that I dozed off during the lesson.

hand in

to give something to a teacher, boss, police officer or other person in authority

The students are handing in their homework.

He handed in his report to his boss.

As she handed in her application, she felt hopeful about getting the job.

She has promised to hand in her final report before leaving for vacation this Friday.

set up

to make something ready to be used

The boardroom has been set up for the next meeting.

I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I have to set up the conference room. // Okay.

We set up our tent close to the lake.

stay up

to stay awake longer than usual

I stayed up late last night watching TV.

stop by

to make a short visit to a place while going somewhere else

On your way back from lunch, please stop by at the printing shop and pick up our order.

We just stopped by to see if you were free.

If you're in the neighborhood, please stop by my house.

She asked her friend to stop by for dinner.

Read the passage aloud with your teacher.


Right on Time

Bob stayed up all night working on his presentation and on the paper that he needed to hand in the following day. However, pulling an all-nighter made him doze off in the bus the next morning, when he was on his way to the conference room. When he opened his eyes, he realized that was his stop; he almost missed it! He rushed out of the bus and stopped by on his way to get some coffee. Luckily, he managed to get there on time to set up the projector for his presentation and to get himself ready.

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