티스토리 뷰

엔구 구동사 9일차

try out

to test something in order to see if it works or if you like it

We're trying out a new recipe for the first time tonight.

fix up

to repair, decorate or make changes to something in order to improve it

This house is falling apart. We need to hire people to fix it up.

end up

to come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected

We originally intended to go out but ended upstaying home.

go after

to try to get something

Are you planning to go after Paul's job when he leaves?

stick with

to continue to do or use something and not change to something else

Most consumers stick with a few brands they trust.


Kudos to Gray's Team

The new software Gray's team has been working on has finally been released. There were a lot of things to be done before the release: they had to fix up the software and to try it out on different systems. After considerable discussions, they decided to stick with their original plan and go after the teenage market first. They were all worried about the release at first, but the software turned out to be a great success. In the end, the whole team ended up getting promoted

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