티스토리 뷰

엔구 구동사 복습 12 일차

dress up

to put on formal clothes

My friend and I dressed up to attend the ceremony.

fit in

to be accepted by a group of people

I was not sure if I would fit in with my new colleagues.

pass by

to go past something/someone on the way to somewhere else

The girls passed by in a convertible.

I never pass by that restaurant without thinking of the first time we ate there.

She passes by the same spot every morning.

take off

to remove clothes

He's taking off his shirt.


Stan's Lucky Shirt

Stan was invited to his friend's birthday party. He was a bit worried about whether he would fit in with all the other people there, but still, he was looking forward to it. He wanted to dress up for the occasion, so he went shopping. As he was passing by a shop window he noticed a nice shirt. He decided to try it on and as he was taking off his t-shirt, he accidentally tore it. He thought that was a sign and decided to buy the shirt. He ended up having a great time at the party, and he thought it was all because of his 'lucky shirt'.

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