티스토리 뷰

엔구 구동사 복습 20일차

see off

to go to a place that someone is leaving from to say goodbye

I’ll see you off at the airport.

get away

to go somewhere (usually for holiday)

I want to get away, at least for a day.

come across

to find something or meet someone unexpectedly

The woman came across a valuable pendant in an antique shop.

go over

to go to a certain place, usually by crossing something (a room, a street, etc.)

I’ll go over to our neighbors’ house to borrow some sugar.

put off

to postpone something

I am very busy today, so I would like to put off our meeting until tomorrow.


Angela Wants to Get Away

Angela came across a travel agency in her neighborhood that caught her attention because they were offering a package tour to Sweden. She had been planning to get away for some time, but for one reason or another, all her plans would fall through. Last time she planned a trip, she had to put it off because her cat Oscar got very sick and she couldn't leave him alone. Now, Oscar was feeling much better, and there was nothing to stop Angela from going. Before leaving, she went over to her friend who promised to take care of Oscar while she was away. When Angela arrived, her friend had a sad look on her face, "See, about that..." Angela knew. Again, she would not go anywhere. "I took my brother's car and I'm taking you to the airport to see you off!" her friend continued."I hate you," said Angela and hugged her friend as tight as she could

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